Renewable Energy

July 12, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – U.S. Module Prices Collapsed this Week; &, Are the 2H24E Solar Bulls Missing a “Big Trouble in Little Europe” Set-Up Into Q2 Earnings?

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 3-4), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China…


July 3, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – April ’24 California Solar Initiative “Data Dump” + Update on European Solar Markets (i.e., Germany + Italy + U.K. + Spain + Netherlands + France)

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 23-24), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. Last week, price changes in China…


May 31, 2024

What Do Our Checks Suggest Around: (a) the Idea Solar Demand Will Benefit from a Surge in “AI” Powered Demand, (b) the Idea that China’s Xi Jinping will Force Chinese Solar Capacity Offline, & (c) the Idea that Section 45X Solar Production Tax Credits (“PTCs”) are Safe in a Trump Administration?

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Solar Stocks have Staged a Sharp Rally Over the Past Several Weeks… Mainly… on: (1) Two Wall Street-Manufactured Hype Stories, as well as (2) an Assumption, Mainly by FSLR Bulls, that the Production Tax Credits…


May 30, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – Despite Recent Calls that “AI” Will Drive Sig. Solar Demand, Looking at the Mar. ’24 California Solar Initiative “Data Dump”, Solar Demand in the Real World Continues to Be Lackluster

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex.16-17), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China for…


April 26, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – Does the Feb. ’24 California Solar Initiative “Data Dump” + Our Recent Fireside Chat w/ the Largest Solar Distributor in the US = Spell Big(ger) Problems for the MLPE Inverter Vendors?

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex.13-14), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China for…


April 11, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – Does the Jan. ’24 California Solar Initiative “Data Dump” Suggest Things are About to go from Bad to Worse for SEDG/ENPH? And, Update on German/U.K./Italian Solar Installs YTD

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 1-2), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China…


March 4, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – Does our Recent Fire Side Chat w/ the Largest Distributors of Solar Products in N. America & Our One-on-One Conversation w/ a Large On-the-Ground Chinese Solar Investor Suggest “Light at the End of the Tunnel” for Solar Bulls?

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 1-2), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. Last week, price changes in China…


February 8, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – Dec. California Solar Initiative (“CSI”) Data Dump (i.e., Inverter, Storage, Installer, Battery, & Module Market Share Thru Nov.) Shows Weak US Solar Demand May be Structural; & Update on German/U.K. Solar Installations

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 1-15), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China…


January 25, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – Fireside Chat w/ Leading U.S. Solar Parts Distribution Company and Large Chinese Solar Market Investor Provides Insights into SolarEdge’s/Enphase’s & Solar Industry’s 2024E Outlook

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 2-3), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China…


January 19, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – November ’23 Census Bureau Data Dump Shows Stubbornly High Solar Module Imports into the US, Implying Demand Bottlenecks in Europe & China in Q4

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 2-3), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China…


January 4, 2024

GLJ Solar Weekly – Nov. California Solar Initiative (“CSI”) Data Dump (i.e., Inverter, Storage, Installer, Battery, & Module Market Share Thru Nov.) Shows Collapsing US Solar Installs, Yet Provides Continued “Glimmer of Light” for PV Battery Space, & Update on 2023 European Solar Installs

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 14-15), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. This week, price changes in China…


December 21, 2023

GLJ Solar Weekly – Both U.S. Energy Information Administration (“EIA”), but More Importantly Census Bureau Data, Show a Spike in U.S. Cell/Module Imports, Begging the Question: ‘What’s this Mean for ASPs & Q4 Cell Vendor Revs/EPS?’

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 5-6), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. Last week, price changes in China…


December 15, 2023

Are the Solar Asset Backed Security (“ABS”) Bonds Issued by the Likes of Sunnova/Sunrun/SunPower the Second-Coming of the Solar YieldCo Ponzi Schemes that Bankrupted Solar Bellwether SunEdison?

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Are Solar ABS Bonds the “Second Coming” of the Solar YieldCo Ponzi Schemes that Effectively Bankrupted SunEdison? SunEdison, the once high-flying solar company seen by many as the solar “savior” of the industry (i.e., it…


December 10, 2023

GLJ Solar Weekly – California Solar Initiative (“CSI”) Data Dump (i.e., Inverter, Storage, Installer, Battery, & Module Market Share Thru Oct.) Paints “Grim” Picture for SEDG/ENPH, Yet Provides “Glimmer of Light” for PV Battery Space, & Update on German, UK, & Italian Monthly Solar Installs

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 14-15), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. Last week, price changes in China…


November 16, 2023

GLJ Solar Weekly – Is the Next “Nasty” Leg Lower for Sunrun/Sunnova/Sunpower Imminent, is Jinko Solar’s Stock Being “Talked” Higher Right Ahead of Insider Selling, & Fireside Chat w/ China Solar Market Expert(s) on State of EU Solar Inventory

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Price Tracker. Applying a modified approach, below we detail PV pricing data by substrate (Ex. 15-16), segmented by Chinese and global prices, tracked each Wednesday by EnergyTrend, PVInsights, and PVInfolink, respectively. Last week, price changes in…