Tesla Inc. (TSLA)

February 14, 2023

“Big Trouble in Little China” – TSLA Reports Weekly China Deliveries for the Feb. 6th-to-Feb.12th Period

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Were TSLA’s Jan. 5th 13.4%-to-17.0% China Price Cuts Simply Not Enough? In short, as detailed in Ex. 1 below, we remind our readers that in TSLA’s most important/profitable market of China, on Jan. 5th, 2023,…


January 31, 2023

Tesla’s Weekly China Sales Report Card is Out – Looks Like E. Musk’s Car Company Will Have to Cut Prices (Again) to Move Metal in China

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Despite Comments to the Contrary from E. Musk on TSLA’s Q4 Earnings Call, Stagnant Lead-Times in China, Despite Sharp Price Cuts, Suggest Tesla Has a Demand Problem in its Largest Market. By way of background,…


January 25, 2023

Q4 Preview – TSLA’s 1Q23E Guidance is the Real “Main Attraction” Given the Company’s Jan. 2023 Midnight Massacre Price Cuts

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Why Do We Say the 1Q23 Guide is What Matters? When looking at the period from 4Q22-to-1Q23, the avg. price decline, thus far, is: (a) -13.3% for the USA, (b) -10.5% for Europe, and (c)…


January 13, 2023

Tesla’s 1/12/23 “Midnight Massacre” US and EU Price Cuts Support our Longstanding Thesis

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Last Night, as We Warned Would Happen on Monday of this Week, Tesla Engaged in Aggressive Price Cuts in Both the US and EU (as well as Canada). As detailed in Ex. 1 below, and…


January 10, 2023

Tesla China Reports First Full Week of Jan. 2023 Car Sales & Full Month of Dec. 2022 Domestic Sales; is there “Big Trouble in Little China”?

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Tesla’s China Demand Problems Appear to be Metastasizing (it seems, the company will need a bigger price cut). Early this morning, according to ZHU Yulong microblog, we learned that over the Jan. 2nd-to-Jan. 8th timeframe,…


January 6, 2023

Tesla’s ~10.5% “Across the Board” Chinese Price Cuts Last Night Are Much Worse Than You Think

By Gordon L. Johnson II

Are Tesla’s “Midnight Massacre” Chinese (and Japanese) Price Cuts Last Night Much Worse Than Feared? In short, yes. Why? Well, last night’s TSLA China price cuts (Ex. 1) come after: (a) factory production was cut…